Release Notes
Release Date: May 2022
Release Overview
Evaluate additional features for Mailing Center
New Course Sections Detail Placeholder
We are adding a new placeholder available to be used in the Mailing Center. It's called Course Section Details and can be used in templates or individual mailings for students and instructors. This placeholder is only available for use in the Mailing Center.
It will allow administrators to:
- easily include additional evaluation details like name and number, start date, and end date on a section by section basis
- communicate to students if and when they have started or not yet started evaluations that they need to complete and how long they have to complete them
- give more insight to instructors which course sections have upcoming, active, or completed evaluations and the start/end date for each
Which course sections are included?
The course sections included in the placeholder will depend on the campaign audience filters that were used as well as the date that the mailing is scheduled to go out.
At the time of the mailing, those course sections will be included in the message body for the person receiving it to provide personalized insight into the course sections the mailing refers to.
How will the course sections be displayed?
The course sections will be formatted as a table in the message body and will include the course section name and number, evaluation start and end date for each course section, and a status. The status will change slightly per audience type.
What details are included for Student Mailings?
The course sections and status are tied to whether the recipient of the mailing has responded to assigned evaluations.
What details are included for Instructor Mailings?
The course sections and status are tied to evaluations for the instructor receiving the mail.
What happens when paired with the Learning Objective Selection rule?
When using the learning objective rule the status will become tied to if the instructor has selected their objective.
Support Documentation: Using Placeholders in Mailings
Templates Updated User Interface and Mailing Center Availability
The new Mailing Templates page is available in the Mailing Center. This is the next step in making the mailing center a central location for communication. This will make it easier to navigate between the two screens to access/create templates and campaigns. The new screen has an updated user interface and includes the same functionality as the old screen (adding a new template, editing existing templates, deleting templates, searching templates, and sorting by name/from name/created by).
Updates to Rule Builder
Due to user feedback adjustments were made to the Mailing Center rule builder for the campaign audience.
Updates made:
- rule builder option set as default, meaning it will display initially upon landing on the page and to assist users in targeting the correct audience.
- adjusted the styling of quick filters
Update to Mailing Table in Mailing Center
To assist clients who have multiple administrators scheduling communications the “Created by” column was added to the mailing table in the Mailing Center. This will also help with the institutions identify what users are creating mailings in the Mailing Center.
Helpful Resources
Be sure to check these sites for additional information related to this and other releases:
- Course Evaluations Help Center has the latest updates of release notes, technical specifications, installation and configuration instructions, and other product documentation.
- Visit the Anthology Academy for product training, best practices, and tips and tricks.
- Questions? For assistance contact Support at