Placeholder Types

Course Section Details Placeholder


Mailing Placeholders

Placeholders can be utilized in mailings to help personalize your message, eliminates the need for template updates, and provide recipients with the links to the Evaluate Product.

The Placeholders can be found in the placeholder dropdown menu on the pages for creating templates, campaigns, and mailings.



Placeholder Types

First Name – Recipient’s first name

Last Name – Recipient’s last name

Username – Recipient’s username

Student Access Link – Students have access to their own home page (Student Experience) that will display all of the evaluations that are available for them to take. 

Faculty Access Link – Instructors have access to their own home page (Faculty Experience) that will display all their course sections, response rates for each section, and direct links to each evaluation.

Summary Report Link – Provide a link directly to Summary Reports in mailings to your Instructors by using the placeholder within the message of the email.

Course Section Details – Course section details include course, section, evaluation open and close date, and the status displayed will depend on the mailing audience. Course section details are available for students, instructors, and for learning objective selection.


Course Section Details Placeholder

The Course Section Details placeholder can be found in the placeholder dropdown menu on the pages for creating templates, campaigns, and mailings.

Which course sections are included?

The course sections included in the placeholder will depend on the campaign audience filters that were used as well as the date that the mailing is scheduled to go out.

At the time of the mailing, those course sections will be included in the message body for the person receiving it to provide personalized insight into the course sections the mailing refers to.

How will the course sections be displayed?

The course sections will be formatted as a table in the message body and will include the course section name and number, evaluation start and end date for each course section, and a status. The status will change slightly per audience type.

What details are included for Student Mailings?

The course sections and status are tied to whether the recipient of the mailing has responded to assigned evaluations.


What details are included for Instructor Mailings?

The course sections and status are tied to evaluations for the instructor receiving the mail.

What happens when paired with the Learning Objective Selection rule?

When using the learning objective rule the status will become tied to if the instructor has selected their objective.




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