Instructors can now provide a unique evaluation link to enrolled students for direct access to a course section's evaluation. Only students enrolled in the course section will be authenticated into the evaluation, bypassing the landing page. When the evaluation is completed, the student can simply click the return to course list button, where any other available evaluations will be listed. During class, instructors can post this link on the board/projector for students to then access from their mobile device
Tips for Usage
- Block off time for students to complete their evaluations in class. Share the direct access link on the board.
Login to faculty experience and select the term and individual course section. Click on the View Evaluation Link to retrieve the direct access link for your course section. Copy and paste the link on to share with your students.
The direct access link will be available to instructors once an administration has opened. Only students enrolled in the course section will be authentication into the evaluation, bypassing the landing page. When the evaluation is completed, the student can simply click the return to course list button, where any other available evaluations will be listed.