To help manage the campus data set within Evaluate, students may be manually enrolled or un-enrolled within the interface, while an administration is scheduled or open.

To perform this action from the homepage click on Sections and then search for the course section that needs a student change.


Once the course section is found, select the course section and do one of the following actions:

1) Add a student

  • Select the Add button at the top right corner of the Student box. 
  • Search for the student by first name, last name, or username (person identifier). 
  • Select the student record that appears from the search, and the remaining fields will auto-populate. 
  • Choose the Status they have in the course (active, enrolled, or completed). For the purposes of taking surveys, all three statuses are treated equally. 


2) Un-enroll a Student- 

  • Select the Unenroll option next to the student name. The student will then be moved down into the Un-enrolled section.
    • If responses are associated with the student, you will have the option to remove their responses at this time. 
      *Please note- if you choose to remove the responses they are permanently deleted.
  • Students may only be manually enrolled or un-enrolled before an administration has closed.

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