The Question Mean Analysis is a report for Campus Administrators, Provosts, Deans, and Department Chairs. This report gives an overall summary by question of all results in the area the person is responsible for. A Department Chair can only view the courses/faculty in their department, a Dean can only view courses/faculty in their college. These access levels are assigned through User Roles.
The report is laid out by displaying the mean and standard deviation for each question on the evaluation. The mean is further visualized through the Trends graph displayed within the associated column. The data may be filtered by changing the drop down selections. This allows for comparing Colleges to Colleges or Departments to Departments.
This report can be further customized to view evaluation data over time, offering a comprehensive view of each question’s performance across different terms.
To create a longitudinal report view, select the "Include evaluation data over time" checkbox. A term dropdown option will appear including a list of available terms to include for comparison.
Please note, this list will only display terms which have evaluation data associated to the primary selections made at the top of the page. If the primary term selected does not include any evaluation data, you will not be able to compare against any additional term data.
Users can add term data by Range or Custom selection.
- The "Range" selector allows you to include historical data through a specified term end point. Selecting a term from this list will include all terms included in the range.
- In more specific use-cases, change the dropdown option to "Custom" to select specific terms for inclusion.
*You can display up to 20 terms on the screen at a time.
When looking at an individual term or terms over time, the Mean, Standard Deviation and number of Courses will be displayed with the ability to click on the corresponding arrow under the "View Details" column to drill into the specific course/instructor details for each term.
Once clicked, a new page displays with a list of each course/instructor and the individual mean for that question.
The second page of the Question Mean Analysis has a number of options to drill into the data.
1) Choose the Institutional Unit selector in the top right to dig deeper into the data set.
2) Select one of the units in the Count of Course Section graph to view only courses that have a mean of 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 etc.
3) Search for a specific course section or faculty in the grid
4) Select the faculty name to view a full report of all questions including comments.