Building an Evaluation

Our specialists are happy to build your evaluations for you as most institutions only need one evaluation in total; however, if you'd like to build an evaluation on your own, follow these steps!

  1. From the homepage click on Evaluations.
  2. Click Create Evaluation.
    • Name your evaluation something you'll recognize for your specific set of questions and click Create.
  3. There are two sets of questions-- Core Questions and Custom Questions.
    • Core Questions are questions that all courses will get, no matter the course.
    • Custom Questions are specific to an institutional organizational unit and/or course section attribute applied to the course.
  4. To add Core Questions, click Include Questions, then click Edit Core Questions.
    • Click +New to add a question. To assist you in building an evaluation, please reach out to our support team.
    • You can add additional pages to the evaluation by clicking on the add page icon to the right of the page number. 

Question Scaling Details
Don't forget to set the Scale Values on any question that will have statistics assigned such as Mean and Standard Deviation. 

  • Click on the Response Choice (e.g. Strongly Disagree) and choose the Reporting tab. Set the correct value to be assigned. You can then skip through to the next Response Choice by choosing the arrow at the top of the screen.
  • Another option is clicking on the overall question and choose the Reporting tab. Then choose for the values to ascending (first response =1), descending (first response will be highest value possible, typically 4 or 5 (think Strongly agree being the first option=5)), or custom (no particular scaling order). 
    • NOTE for N/A or No Opinion responses: for any response choices noted as N/A or No Opinion, do NOT provide a Scale Value; leave this field blank. Additionally, be sure the Alternate Code is noted as zero (0). Lastly, on the General tab for these response choices, check the box for Opt-Out.

When you are finished creating your questions, click Done Editing.

Assigning Faculty Question sets
Faculty Question set will repeat for each faculty member assigned to the course. You can assign via page or question by clicking on the small silhouette.

  • After clicking on the pop-up window, you'll choose which faculty types get that set of questions. It is not required of the system that all faculty types receive faculty questions.
  • Once the silhouette turns blue, the page or question set is a designated faculty question. 

Display Logic
*Please contact your consultant if you would like to add display logic to your evaluation to ensure it is set up properly.

Display logic can be applied to an individual question or an entire page.  This logic indicates when the question/page should be displayed based on how a previous question was answered.  The option to apply this in your project is only available if you have more than one page in your project, and the previous question must be on a separate page.

Conditions are applied in the order they appear or are added.  They can also be grouped together for more robust conditional statements.

Add new conditions

  1. Click "Add Condition" to display the previous questions that can be used in the logic.
  2. Select the question from the drop-down menu that the logic should be based on.  The questions populated in the drop-down menu are the only ones available to you for that page/question based on its placement in the project.
  3. Select the answer from the drop-down menu that the logic should be based on.  The answers populate in the drop-down menu based on the selected question.
  4. The last drop-down menu has "Selected" as the default.  You can also indicate that the page/question displays if an answer is "Not Selected" for that question.
  5. The condition statement will update at the bottom for your review.  It should be read as:
    • If answer Y of question X is selected, display this page/question"
    • If answer Y of question X is NOT selected, display this page/question"
  6. Continue to add conditions as needed.
  7. Indicate if each condition should be treated separately (OR) or together (AND).
  8. Click "Ok" when all conditions have been included.

Note: Multiple conditions can also be grouped for more complex display logic.

  1. Add each condition as usual.
  2. Check the box for each condition that should be grouped together.
  3. Click "Group Selected" at the top.
  4. Indicate AND or OR for how the conditions should be read.
  5. Indicate if the grouping should be True or False.

Adding Custom Questions by Organizational Unit or Attribute

To add Custom Questions, click Edit Custom Questions.

      • There are two types of Custom Questions -- by Organizational Unit, or by Course Section Attribute.
      • The default page will be for Institutional Unit questions. Any questions added to an organizational unit will be included in the evaluation for courses that belong to that organizational unit.
        • To add questions to a specific organizational unit, click on the name of the unit and click Add Questions. Using the same builder as described above, add your questions. When finished, click Done Editing. The institutional unit will be shown with an orange box to the left of the unit name; click on the name of unit and then click Include Questions to make the question set live for the evaluation. The box will turn green. 
      • To add questions to courses with a particular course section attribute, click on the Course Section Attributes tab. Click on the attribute you'd like to add questions to and click Add Questions. Using the same builder as described above, add your questions. When finished, click Done Editing. The attribute will be shown with an orange box to the left of the attribute name; click on the name of the attribute and then click Include Questions to make the question set live for the evaluation. The box will turn green.

Click Back to Evaluation to go back to the evaluation's main page and make any additional changes if needed. When finished building the evaluation, you may exit the page by simply navigating to another page in the site or closing your browser.

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