Campuses regularly ask us for our recommendations when accomplishing the challenging process of rewriting the Core Questions on an evaluation form. We have collected a list of the best questions relating to the student, the course, and the faculty member.
Evaluating the Course
*Note - This section could be an area to make course specific questions based on the learning outcomes for the class. We have provided examples for a writing course, but it would be up to the campus to individualize this area.
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Scale: Strongly agree, Moderately agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Moderately disagree, Strongly disagree
- This course helped me organize my ideas and information.
- This course helped me adjust my writing to the needs of readers.
- This course helped me revise my work.
- This course helped me better understand my topic through research and writing.
- This course helped me access, evaluate, use, and attribute information.
- If Online: The course was well-suited to the online format.
- If Online: If given the option, I would take this course online again.
Evaluating the Instructor
*Note - This section could be an area to make instructor specific questions based on the instructor objectives for the class. We have provided examples for a general course instructor, but it would be up to the campus to individualize this area.
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Scale: Strongly agree, Moderately agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Moderately disagree, Strongly disagree
- The instructor gave me valuable feedback on my assignments.
- The instructor clearly explained the standards used to evaluate my performance.
- If On Campus: The instructor was well-prepared to lead discussion and in-class activities.
- If Online: The instructor was effective in facilitating online discussion.
- The instructor clearly explained the goals of the assignments and the course.
- The instructor was available outside of class.
- The instructor treated students with respect.
- Instructor provided students with a clear, thorough course syllabus and followed that syllabus.
- Instructor provided students with alternative ways to learn, when appropriate (i.e., groups, lecture, discussion, individual conferences, video, computer labs)
- Instructor exhibited thorough understanding of the subject matter.
- Instructor displayed enthusiasm for the subject and made concerted efforts to motivate students to learn.
- Instructor provided opportunities for students to practice spoken and written communication skills, when appropriate.
- Instructor encouraged questions and discussion during class and adequately addressed the questions that were asked.
- Instructor held classes and office hours as scheduled.
- Instructors’ explanations of the course material were clear and understandable.
- Instructor used helpful examples and illustrations to clarify the material as needed.
- Instructor followed the grading procedures as outlined in the course syllabus.
- Instructor returned papers, assignments, and exams within a reasonable time period.
Evaluating Your Effort
- What was the average number of hours you spent outside of class each week preparing for this course? (Include the time you spent reading, writing, and consulting with tutors, among other things.)
- Scale: 0 to 2 hours, 3 to 4 hours, 5 to 6 hours, 7 to 8 hours, 9 or more hours
- How often did you fully prepare for class and complete papers on time?
- Scale: Always, Often, Occasionally, Rarely, Never
- What grade do you expect to receive in this course?
- (A, B, C, D, F)
Overall Evaluation
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Scale: Strongly agree, Moderately agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Moderately disagree, Strongly disagree
- I would recommend this course to a friend.
- I would recommend this instructor to a friend.
- My interest in this topic increased because of this course.
- This course helped me read, write, and communicate ideas more effectively.
Optional Collected Demographics
- What is your status?
- Scale: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Other (please specify)
- What is your major?
- (Provide a list as this is likely unique to your institution)
- Which best describes your gender?
- Scale: Female, Male, Transgender, Other (please specify)
- Did your instructor use a Learning Management System (i.e., Blackboard, Angel) for the course?
- Yes/No
If "Yes" to LMS question (above):
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Scale: Strongly agree, Moderately agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Moderately disagree, Strongly disagree.
- The LMS was a valuable addition to the course.
- Important course documents (i.e., syllabus, assignments) were available to me via the LMS.
- The class message boards were valuable tools to my learning.
- The instructor used the LMS to enhance in-class learning.