Accessing Anthology Evaluate

1. To access your course evaluation results, please go to

2. Login to the site using your campus username and password.


Accessing Reports

In the Reporting menu select Faculty Reports, Question Mean Analysis, or Response Rates.

Faculty Reports

A list of faculty that you have access to view reports for will populate on this page. 

**For report administrators with multiple administrator roles (noted under the 'Role' heading), you may need to toggle between institutional units to view results. 



Summary Report

To view the Quantitative and Qualitative Responses, click on Summary Report.



Course Report

Deans and Chairs also have access to individual course reports. Click on the Course Reports option and then select the appropriate course to review.



Question Mean Analysis

The Question Mean Analysis (QMA) is a summary report for all course sections located in your assigned institutional area. The main page displays each question asked on the evaluation with the ability to focus the data by each level of the institutional unit chart. 


 A count of courses is listed with a hyperlink to review the details for each section. The course details, instructor, and mean for that question are listed. Faculty names also have a hyperlink to directly take you to the full report for that section. 

Response Rate Report

The Response Rate report lets you see the response rate for active and closed courses that you have access to.  You have the ability to toggle between terms, evaluations, and at what unit level you want to include (in this example below, I am viewing the results at the Institutional level, but you can adjust to the college or program level, depending on your user access permissions).


You can also adjust what courses you see by active and closed administrations and the # of days until the administration closes. You'll notice that the percentage displaying near the top left is the overall response rate for all displayed courses, while the response rate for each course appears along the far right column. You can further control which courses display by adjusting the Response Rate Threshold slider. If you want to see all courses with a response rate of 50% or less, move the slider to the middle. If you want to see all courses with less than a 100% response rate, move the slider to 99%.

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