Getting Started

Distributed Permissions allow greater control over assigning granular permissions to create custom user access that better aligns with your institution's needs. This system will allow you to responsibly delegate Course Evaluation tasks and assign custom report access to any user or group across your institution. 

Article Contents

Accessing Distributed Permissions
Understanding Tags
Assigning Tags
Utilizing Tags
Manage User Permissions
Navigating User Permissions

Related Support

Permission Item Details

Accessing Distributed Permissions

  • The Permissions link will appear in the top bar navigation and User Permissions tile on the home page, if enabled on your site.
  • Any users with access to manage permissions will be able to access this link.
  • To enable distributed permissions please contact


The User Permissions page will display all user accounts. There are various ways to filter and organize this list as permissions become assigned.


To set permissions, select a specific user account from the list to begin managing permissions and tags.

Understanding Tags

Tags are markers that can be applied to individual (user accounts) within your Evaluate permissions. You can utilize these markers in any way you choose, however, they are typically useful for organization and in labeling users with similar permission assignments or campus roles. 

Assigning Tags

You will see the “Tags” area near the top of the page of the user you wish to assign a Tag. When you click into the "Add tags" text box, a list of any existing Tags will be shown. Start typing the name of the Tag you wish to find in the existing list or type out the full name of the Tag you wish to create and click "Add new Tag" in order to create and assign the new Tag. 

Add a tag to user and create a new one in the same tag dropdown

The selected Tags will now show in the Tags section on the user, when you are finished click Save to save your selections.

Utilizing Tags

  1. Tags allow you to filter users on the permission landing page


  2. Tags give you additional control over whose faculty reports a user can view. Learn how to restrict access by tags.

Manage User Permissions

After selecting a user account, you will be brought to their permission details page.

Permissions are organized into three (3) categories displayed as panels. Each panel houses multiple sub-categories and individual permission items that refer to specific areas of the site and the associated tasks. You may manage the level and scope of access for each permission through the Actions and Data Access columns. 

Each panel may be collapsed or expanded for an optimized experience.

Before granting permissions you can learn more about the details about each permission item.



Actions Menu Overview

The actions column controls the actions a user can perform as it relates to the corresponding permission. By default, all permissions are set to “None.”

Each Action dropdown consists of unique tiers which range from the lowest to the highest level of access. The dropdown options available will be unique and relative to the permission it refers to, although most permissions will include a view-only and/or manage tier. “Manage" access will allow the user to perform all actions associated with that area of the site whereas view-only will not allow them to make any modifications to the page.

The Faculty Reports permission item contains unique dropdown options which explicitly indicate the various tiers of access the user can be granted. 


Learn more about the details about each permission item.

Enable Access to a Permission

Use the dropdowns to select the appropriate tier of access the user should be granted on a permission item.


After selecting an option other than “None” from the actions menu the data access column will indicate whether further action is needed.

Permissions that display “Unrestricted” access to the data set do not require any further action.


Permissions that display aSelect” link in the data access column require an Organizational Unit assignment before the permission can be applied.

Click the “Select” link.


A pop-up will appear for you to make your selections. Selecting the highest-level organizational unit will enable the user full access to all underlying units, whereas selecting a lower-level organizational unit will limit access to that subset of the data.


Click “Save.


The enabled Actions will now be limited to the Organizational Unit displayed.

Before granting permissions you can learn more about the details about each permission item.

Using Tags to Further Restrict Report Access

The Faculty Reports permission, found under the Reporting panel, will allow you to add additional restrictions to report access with the use of Tags. 

If desired, Tags may be used to control reporting views. The use of Tags in Set Data Access will restrict which reports are visible to the user to the reports associated with other users that have the same Tag applied to their User Account.

  1. Follow the steps above to assign report access to an Organizational Unit. By default, users have access to all reports assigned within the selected org unit.
  2. Add Tags associated with users that report access is being given


  3. Click “Savewhen you have finished limiting access to Tags. 

Learn more about Report related permission details by visiting Distributed Permission Item Details. 

The Distributed Permissions system now features an export function, enabling users to generate a CSV file that displays all user permission assignments. This enhancement offers comprehensive transparency into the permissions granted to all users within the site.

Additionally, there are a number of different filter capabilities directly on screen to help organize granted permissions. If a user was assigned an Organizational Unit and/or Tag this information will populate the User Permissions grid to help easily organize and filter this list.

Filter by Organizational Unit

Locate the Organizational Unit drop-down and select the organizational units you wish to filter by. The list will only display users with that selected Organizational Unit.


Filtering by Tags

Any tags that you have created or applied to user accounts will appear in the “Tags” filter area. This may be used to filter the User Permissions grid to locate specific groups of users that you have defined.


Additionally, you may use the search bar provided to search for users by name.

All filter parameters will appear at the top of the screen as they are applied to the page. Select “Clear Filters” to return to the original list state.




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